10 Tips to Take Care of Your Pregnant Wife

6. Don’t let her panic in case of complications

It is natural for women to get nervy if any complications arise. As the better half, it is your responsibility to see that she overcomes this phase bravely.

7. Make her exercise at regular intervals in the day

Just as walking, doctors advise a number of other exercises for pregnant women. You have to see that she performs them on a regular basis. Or even better, give her company and she would love you for it.

8. Free your wife from her professional life

Though doctors claim that it is okay to attend office up to a certain time frame, it’s entirely up to you to decide. You know your wife better than anyone else. You have to quickly free her from her office vows to help her relax.

9. Adhere to all of your wife’s new habits

Be it something related to eating, sleeping or anything under the sun, be ready to accept your wife’s new routine with a wide smile. Don’t be surprised if she wakes you up in the middle of the night for an ice-cream.

10. Ease the catch-22 situation

Women get overly anxious days before the delivery. Motivate them to be brave. Love her. Kiss her. Affection can work wonders.

Happy fatherhood.

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