15 Reasons Why Google is God

Photo Courtesy: Simon
All the people who say that “I don’t believe in god because I have not seen him/her or met him/her”, surely have not heard about the quickest, the most updated, the I know all personality of planet Earth-Google. Google is God and I am sure most of you boys will agree with me. Below are few of the plenty reasons why Google is God.
1. Google can tell you all about cars-new, old, vintage, future, etc. Also all information about gadgets, games, bikes, racers, etc. Google has it all.
2. Google knows where you live and remembering an address is no longer important. Also it can save you from asking directions.
3. Google shows up only when you want it to. Google never sleeps either, so you can also use it at 4.00 am in the night.
4. You can carry Google around in your pocket. Size doesn’t really matter in this.
5. Google can answer why girls behave the way they do. It can simplify girls. Isn’t that the answer all guys want?
6. Google does not charge for showing you every nook and corner of the world.
7. Google does not call you at midnight and say Talk to me.
8. Google befriends everyone who visits it.