6 Signs of Workplace Bullying

Photo Courtesy: dullhunk
Workplace bullying is a subtle but sad reality in today’s world. It happens rampantly, but is reported very infrequently. Some people don’t even realize that they are being bullied at their workplaces and bear an oppression thinking- that’s how work life is meant to be. Unlike bullies in school or college who physically torture their victims, workplace bosses use stress, pressure and financial blackmail to bully their juniors.
1.You do your superior’s work
More often than not, bosses and superiors in the office pile on their share of work on their junior employees. In order to impress their subordinates the juniors end up doing the former’s work as well but when this goes on over a period of time, the employee feels frustrated and under-rewarded.
2.Unpaid overtime
Making you do overtime at work on a regular basis and not paying up for it is an exploitation of sorts. This kind of bullying should be stood up to, so that neither you nor your company’s future employees get less than what they deserve.
3.Taunts and jibes almost daily
A taunt or jibe here and there can be tolerated, however, when they are meted out every 2 days in a harsh manner and many a time, in front of other colleagues, it can be mentally disturbing.
4.Not getting a promotion on time without any professional reason
As if not getting a promotion like your other colleagues is not demotivating enough, quite a few bosses decide to not offer a raise for no work related reason whatsoever. They tend to favor those who have buttered or flattered them and many a time, personal favoritism is involved. If your boss is unable to point out a concrete professional reason for you not getting a raise, it is surely counted as bullying.
5.Doing the superior’s personal work
Superiors tend to take a bit too much advantage of their position and order employees to do their personal work too. Its better to be firm and refuse to do work that is not in your job profile than be bullied into neglecting your personal life for someone else’s.
6.Not giving incentives
In big companies where workers are given certain incentives and perks besides their salary, often unfortunately, the incentives received by the employees are filtered. This means that their boss sneaks in some of his employees’ incentives for himself. Such a thing done by superiors builds up frustration and helplessness in employees.