7 Reasons Why You Should Be Scared of Google

Photo Courtesy: Simon
Well if there is anything more powerful than god in this world it is Google. The simple fact that you can Google about god says it all. The power and the knowledge it has is beyond this universe and beyond any definable boundary. Google has the ability to make you smile, make you cry, jolt you and even surprise you. Among all the species, guys should be scared of it for the following reasons.
1. It can cripple you
It provides readymade information for anything and everything you ask, good or bad. It absolutely makes sure you take no extra effort to find out what you need to know.
2. It has no filter system
It exposes you and gives easy access to all the bad and dangerous information. For instance, anyone can learn how to make an explosive and we can thank Google for that.
3. It can be an addiction
It is very easy to get hooked onto Google and the various other pieces of information it throws at you. Links, pictures, websites, information, etc. It can be quiet a dangerous addiction.
4. Makes you dependent
It can tell you anything and everything, right from which college to go to, which doctor to consult, which medicine to take, which girl to date and not date, how to make money in the wrong ways, etc. Too much of anything can be bad.