7 Techniques to Work From Home Without Getting Distracted

Photo Courtesy: akeg
Working from home sounds like fun to most people, but it is as much or even more hard than working from office, thanks to the distractions and temptations that you have to keep at bay. If you are planning to or are already working from home and need guidance, follow these pointers.
1. Set a time frame
Just like office, set a time frame in which you will complete the work. Divide your time into portions to accommodate the breaks and leave some extra time aside for unforeseen circumstances that may take up your time at home.
2. Tell others not to disturb you
Quite often when people hear about someone working from home, they think it’s a cakewalk and that the person is as good as free. This is not true, and hence, you should explain to your family and friends or roommates to not distract you while working. Request them to let you concentrate, politely.
3. Put on headphones
If the noises of other people in your house, people on the streets and other such elements are disturbing you, then make a play list of your favorite songs and listen to them by plugging in earphones or headphones.
4. Put a lock to accessing social networking websites
Although it’s common sense that you shouldn’t be chatting and checking out the latest happenings on social networking websites, if you find it hard to restrain yourself from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., it’s wise to block these sites.