7 Ways to Become a More Attractive Man

Photo Courtesy: pixabay.com
To be a more attractive man, you need to take care of some of the most basic things in your looks, hygiene and personality. Find out what they are and avoid turning away women because of your silly mistakes.
1. Carry a clean shaven look
Women love men who carry a cleanly shaven look. This may be a problem for men who like to have a beard. If this is the case with you, make sure to trim your facial hair to the point that it looks nice and neat. Shaving or trimming your beard is the first step to becoming presentable in the eyes of a woman.
2. Practice good hygiene
Women are turned off by guys who don’t practice good hygiene. This includes men who have a bad body odor and those who look shabby and unkempt. It is one thing to deliberately carry off an unkempt look but it is another to look dirty. Take a nice shower every day, remove unwanted hair, practice good oral hygiene and use a deodorant so that you smell nice all the time.
3. Don’t wear ill-fitting clothes
You don’t need to be a style icon to become an attractive man. In fact, some of the most attractive men look handsome just because they wear the right kind of clothes that suit their body type. You should also follow this rule and avoid wearing ill-fitting clothes. For example, don’t wear a skin tight t-shirt if you are slightly chubby. Make sure to wear only the clothes that fit you in a way that they are meant to.
4. Don’t stoop
Body language can say a lot about a man’s personality and attitude. Women are attracted to men who carry a good posture by standing straight. To put this habit into practice, don’t stoop, instead hold your shoulders straight. A good posture is an instant sign of confidence which will be noticed by a woman when she sees you.