7 Ways to Stay Awake When Tired

5. Wipe your face with fresheners

Wash your face with water and if possible carry fresh scent wipe offs. Even mouth fresheners can help to a certain extent.

6. Awaken your senses

Take a shower if possible with cold water or take a power nap for 5 to 20 minutes. Try to be in where there is a lot of light especially natural light. Listen to fast or loud music with catchy beats or try to strike a conversation with random people. More are your senses awake more easily the feeling of tiredness will wear out.

7. Avoid heavy meals

Go in for lighter foods specially fruits and remember not to skip on your breakfast as it might get you a few extra minutes to waste while preparing for office but will surely rip you off enough energy required to stay alert and attentive during the day. Another big mistake leading to feeling of tiredness is heavy food especially if it is full of starch generally during lunch.

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