7 Great Tips for Single Dads

Photo Courtesy: mrhayata
Being a single parent is never easy and requires loads of patience, hard work and care. Single dads have a tough task ahead of them but the road to success is often filled with trials and tribulations. Follow these 7 easy tips to make your life as a single father easier and happier.
1.Divide your time well
Plan a schedule so that you don’t end up giving too much time to work and too less time to your children. See to it that you are there with your children in their formative years so that they don’t feel neglected.
2.Become both parents
The toughest part about being a single parent is that one person has to play both roles of a mother as well as a father. Learn to cook, clean, read to the kids, tuck them into bed, stitch and such other motherly duties so that your children don’t feel the absence of a mother and are happy to have you.
3.Hire a nanny
If you feel too burdened with your career as well as house work, the best idea would be to hire a nanny. However, choose a nanny very carefully, after much assessment and preferably an experienced one. Also, just because you have hired a nanny doesn’t mean you should spend less time with your kids and not let the fatherly bond develop. A nanny can never replace real parent love.
4.Take active part in your children’s lives
Go to their sports meets, PTA meetings, annual days and such other important days. Know who their friends are, where they go and what they do in their free time so that you are aware that they are in safe hands and don’t fall into bad company.