10 Biggest First Date Turn Offs for Girls

Photo Courtesy: mrhayata
First impressions may not always be correct, but they surely can determine whether you will be going on any more dates or not. The worst thing to do is to destroy it all in the first date itself. So here are some first date turn offs for girls which hopefully every guy will take pains to remember and avoid the next time they go out with a new chick.
1. Attention-seeking behavior
You may be an oil tycoon or just another rich punk, but don’t just go on and on about how awesome you are and make her rush for the nearest door. Contrary to what most guys think, girls generally are averse to guys who are too full of themselves and are huge show offs.
2. Poor getup
You don’t have to be dressed up in designer clothes, but at least try to look good for her. Meeting her in your oldest pair of jeans isn’t exactly gonna make her want to rush into your arms.
3. Bad hygiene
The only thing worse than poor dressing sense is poor hygiene. So don’t turn up at the date smelling like a hobo or start picking your nose while you order for dinner. Even if your sense of hygiene is not something you are proud of, at least try to keep your animal instincts on leash in the first date.
4. Cheapness
No matter how much submerged people are in feminism, it is still the custom for the guy to pay up. She might just offer to pay, but remember she is just being polite, so instead of thanking your stars and holding on tightly to your wallet, act like a man and do what is expected of you.
5. Inappropriate remarks
She may look smoking hot and make your eyes roll, but don’t just go ahead and blurt out any improper remarks like any regular pervert.