10 Foods that Energize

Photo Courtesy: RUZANNA ©crestock.com
Most of us are tempted to go for a sugary drink, or coffee or a sweet to help energize us when we are feeling low during the day or feel tired when work piles up. Too much sugar and caffeine is not too good for your health. There are other healthy alternatives to these things that energize us as much as these foods do. Here is a list of some of the foods that can be eaten raw or cooked or had as a snack when you feel like you are tiring out. Also these foods do not come with undesirable side effects like an increase in weight and sleeplessness.
1. Nuts
Nuts are real healthy foods that energize you when they eaten in the raw form. You should definitely stay away fried and salted nuts if you are looking at healthy foods that can energize you.
2. Seeds
Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are a good idea to snack on when you are feeling tired, for they come packed with a lot of nutrients and can energize you as well. Vitamin B, magnesium, potassium are just some of the nutrients that can be found in these seeds.
3. Citrus fruits
Not only do they help you in fighting off a cold, but they also act as a high energy source. Lemon juice and oranges are a great way to get instant energy and also to get hydrated.
4. Banana
There is a reason tennis players and athletes have a banana when they have been playing for long. Bananas come packed with potassium and are also a great way to get instant energy.
5. Green tea
Green tea is rich in antioxidants. It cleanses your system, refreshes you and also gives you energy to make it through the rest of the day.