10 Reasons to Write an Autobiography

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An autobiography is a memoir, a database, and an account of what a wonderful or miserable life you have lived. If you enjoy storytelling and need to start somewhere, there is no better way to start than writing your own autobiography. You will have elaborate instances to work on and will have a control over how you want your story to be told. There are many reasons for why one should make oneself sit and write their autobiography. Below are some of them.
1. Leave a legacy behind for your children
You may want your children to know about what a marvelous life you have lived. People love telling tales from their lives to their children, and for that matter, even to their grandchildren. Writing an autobiography will give you a chance to do this in a systematic and organized manner. You will be able to give your children a chance to learn from your experiences, and maybe they can pick up things from your life and apply in their own lives.
2. The world needs to know how awesome you are
Sometimes, you think the kind of achievements you have made in your life are not significant, but no matter how simple a life you lead, there are many things about your life which are special, and the world needs to know about them. There is so much to learn in this world, and by writing your autobiography, you will make your minute contribution in this whole procedure. Also, if you are self-obsessed, then writing an autobiography is the most constructive way to channelize that obsession. Write it because you love yourself.
3. It helps you get over your past easily
There are a lot of things in our past that haunt us. We often hide from our past and think things are fine. The best way to deal with your past is by talking about it. Writing an autobiography also means that you will deal with your past. Penning it down on paper will help you take it all out. Also, while reading it later you will be able to look at your life from a distance, which will give you a better analytical power than you already have. It will definitely help you get over things that are hidden sorrows in the back of your mind and can surface anytime.
4. If you are an introvert, it is the best way to take things out
Introverted people find it extremely difficult to express themselves. Writing is something that is suggested by many psychologists to help people get over such an inhibition. The audience in such circumstances is not physically present, and hence, it gives you more confidence to get out of your comfort zone and talk about your life. You can write about whatever you want, and you don’t have to worry about what you are going to do with it. Write because it makes your life lighter and helps you open up.
5. It lets you introspect
We all live really busy lives. It becomes pretty much impossible for people to sit back and look at their life, and critically analyze it. Writing about your life will help you get in a mode where you can introspect and learn from your own mistakes. Also, most people suffer from a problem where they actually do not know who they really are. Dedicating time to write about yourself will help you know things about your own life, which you did not notice earlier. It will lead to a path of introspection, and will probably help you build a sense of identity.