10 Signs You Are A Controlling Boyfriend

sxc.hu: alex2bur
There is a thin line between love and control. You have to treat the girl of your dreams with utmost dignity for the relationship to flourish. Controlling behavior stems from an inner need for approval and lack of trust. So have you just crossed the safe limits? Read on to find out
1. You are the stalker in your partner’s life
Does the very thought of your girl spending some quality time with others drive you nuts? You try to find ways to spoil her evening with her friends and sneak into her workplace to catch her off guard.
2. You bring power into the question
You feel that a relationship is all about power and there’s no room for any kind of equality. You wish to dominate the girl in your life even in case of routine activities such as calling, texting and so on.
3. You play mind games
Do you give the lady the silent treatment in case you have an issue with her? Or worse, you turn violent or burst into a pool of tears for minor glitches encountered by the two of you.
4. You are jealous and possessive
Needless to mention, these 2 traits are to blame for the controlling tendency seen in guys. A couple of calls in a day seems fine, but ringing up a dozen times to know your girlfriend’s whereabouts is plainly scary.
5. You are literally obsessed with her
You cannot imagine a life without your girlfriend. She becomes a status symbol or a unique entity without which you just cannot survive.