10 Signs You are a Man’s Man

Photo Courtesy: Yuri_Arcurs ©crestock.com
Barney Stinson popularized the bro code on the show “How I met your mother” and his legendary perspectives on life made him the man’s man. But are you as awesome as him? Here is a list of few signs that will let you know if you are a man’s man. But before that, one needs to understand what a man’s man actually is. Man’s man is the ultimate bro. He is a guy whom other guys look up to. He is someone who is congenial and loved by everyone.
1. Men often depend on you for advice
Men can open up in front of very few people. It is a very big sign if men confide in you and often come to you for any kind of advice. If you are a problem solver, and always come up with solutions to help your bro pals, it means that you are always there for your friends and hence, that makes you a man’s man. One should realize, that even when you do not have any good advice to give, just by hearing your bros out, you help them in some way or the other.
2. Men trust you to be their wingman
Now who is a wingman? A wingman is a person who accompanies you when you look for a girl. Now it is very difficult to be a wingman because men often feel insecure with other men around them. But as a good man’s man, it is very important to let all the attention go to your bro. Also, you need to make sure you are helping him win brownie points in front of the girl he is trying to impress. You might have to go to the extent of praising him and letting the girl know how helpful, sensitive and understanding your bro is. This way you will help his case by leaps and bounds.
3. You are the first one to be invited to all the parties and get-togethers
This is a major sign. A guy who is everyone’s favorite is very popular in social circles. So if you are getting invited to all the ‘hep’ parties and get-togethers, then you know you are a man’s man. You are someone that most people want to hang out with. All this can be easily noticed at social gatherings.
4. You are always updated with everything
Men who are aware about things around them are often looked up to. Since there is a big fat line between a boy and a man, one needs to be mature and sensible enough to be considered a man. If you sit in a discussion, you should always have logical and interesting things to share. Also there is a very thin line between “Mr. Know it all” and “Mr. Sensible”. And if you are someone that goes by the latter name, then you are definitely a man’s man.
5. You can hold your drinks
A true man’s man is someone who can hold his drinks well. It is so easy to come across many wasted men at parties, who are always creating a scene. In all this madness, it is a relief to see a man who never gets wasted. He is someone who helps his drunken friends. He is someone who is always responsible, no matter how many drinks down he is.