10 Tips to Forgive and Forget

Photo Courtesy: mobilesage
The saying ‘Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong’ is so true. This is because, the stronger you are as a person, the more you are to forgive people. Just imagine, if you were not to forgive people in your life, will you ever be able to live blissfully? You think it’s easier said than done, then have a look at these simple tips to forgive and forget:
1. Put yourself in their shoes
The moment you feel wronged by someone, imagine yourself in their position. If the resulting situation looks justifiable to you, then don’t think twice before forgiving the person.
2. Confront and end the matter
If you still feel what they have done is wrong, then confront the person in a polite way and end the matter. The childhood days when momma used to tell you and your friend to shake hands after a bitter argument can be very well passed on to adulthood too.
3. Don’t bring up the topic anytime in the future
Once you have decided to let go of the past and accept the other person into your life, don’t ever bring up the topic anytime in the future. Even if you accidentally bring it up, it will be very hurtful to the opposite person.
4. Be kind
You never know, sometimes a bitter fight that ends well can lead to a life-long friendship. Sometimes it’s only when mess happens that you actually get all things in place. Thanks to your kind and forgiving impulses, your friend has come over to your side forever.
5. Keep the person who hurts you happy
You will feel very good about yourself if you treat the wrongful person well. Even if they get overly apologetic and bring up the topic of fight in the near future, you can drift the conversation to a different angle.