10 Ways to Cope With Loneliness

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Even the happiest person on the earth feels alone at some point of time. The ‘You are your own best friend’ notion is so true after all. The fact is that loneliness is a matter of the mind and if you think you are alone, you indeed are. Here’s how you can deal with your lonesome days:
1. Clear your thought process
Understand that you are not lonely, but are feeling so. First thing you need to do is, make things clear in your head. You wouldn’t look lost if you were to remind yourself a dozen times that you are not alone. Keep reinforcing yourself with positive moments spent with family and friends and loneliness should shy away.
2. Call up a friend
The next moment you feel lonely, just pick up your phone and call up your best comrade. No matter how introverted you could be, you will at least know one person who can make you feel better and this person will be your savior of the day.
3. Involve yourself in activities
With social networking going synonymous with life lately, you couldn’t get a better reason to turn on your gadgets and get chatty with a friend online. If you absolutely abhor the idea of social networking, you could get involved in other activities. How about cleaning up your room? Getting a nice shave? Pampering yourself?
4. Love your family
Ask any lonely person and the first thing they would tell you will be regarding their separated family. Having a strong family connection is all you need to excel in life. Friends, relationships and coworkers will come and go. But, your family will be there for you till eternity. If you are the one who has been neglecting family life, then it’s time to make that one call and settle all family woes once and for all.
5. Exercise
The time you are alone can be the best time to indulge in some workout. This way, your mind and body will both benefit at the same time. First off, the loneliness killing you inside will fade away. Secondly, you’ll be treated to a myriad of feel-good hormones that will make you feel fresh and uplift your dampened spirits.