10 Ways to Increase Your Self Esteem

Photo Courtesy: Hans
Everybody likes to see men with good self-esteem. Those who are confident about them and have a good self-esteem gain friends more quickly than others, and are also more approachable. If you have had issues of low self-esteem all this while, which have been making your life miserable, then here are some tips to combat those problems and get the kind of life you’ve always wanted.
1. Dress to kill!
Dressing has a direct impact on a person’s mood and behavior. Whether you believe it or not, dressing good psychologically gives you more confidence. That’s not only a great boost at the start of the day, but it also gets you the much-deserved attention from colleagues, friends and others. You automatically start to have more conversations with people, making you more social and approachable.
2. Follow good postures
Watch some videos, or observe other people around you to see how they carry themselves. Once you dress smart and sharp, you also need to add more persona and charm to yourself by carrying yourself in the right postures. Stand smart, and sit confidently. That way, you don’t look clumsy, and always have a sense of confidence around you. It’s a great way to feel good about yourself and build your self-esteem.
3. Be more vocal
Sometimes, people don’t give you that much attention or take you for granted because you remain silent and don’t speak up. You need to have your own opinion on things, and need to be more verbal about it. This ensures that you are noticeable, and people respect you for what you have to say. As the teachers in school used to say – at maximum, you could be wrong, but that will still save you from being tagged as ‘dumb’. So be fearless about voicing your thoughts.
4. Lead a healthy life
Eat right and exercise well. You will not only have a good physique and will look younger and fitter, but it will make you feel more positive from inside. You will automatically sense the difference in your life, as you feel more active, alert and confident. Plus, it will get you more compliments and respect from people around you, for maintaining yourself well.
5. Do good things
One of the best ways to feel good about yourself, and to increase your self-esteem, is to do good to other people. Run in charitable marathons or volunteer for weekend service with an NGO. When you bring smiles to other people’s faces, you feel good about your own existence, and that’s a very big boost in one’s life.