12 Ways to Make Your Life Healthier

Photo Courtesy: Sergiu Alistar
It is never too late to start something new and beneficial. If you have lived an unhealthy life, fret not for you can turn it into an uber healthy life just by convincing your mind to do these 12 simple things.
1.Exercising regularly is a given. However, if you don’t get enough time to do that, take the flight of stairs in your building or workplace and get some cardio in place.
2.No matter how much the work load is, make sure you take a lunch break. Not only eat in your lunch break but also get out of the office, take in some fresh air and a short walk.
3.Go to the market and buy healthier substitutes of food. Eat whole grain bread instead of white bread, drink skimmed milk, eat fresh fruits instead of packaged fruit juices, dark chocolate instead of milk chocolates and so on.
4.Quit consuming fizzy soft drinks besides weeding out bad habits like smoking and drinking.
5.Keep yourself hydrated at all times and carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go. The skin is clearer and the body functions better when there is more fluid in it.
6.Ditch machine made coffees and teas for green tea bags. Green tea and black coffee are known to be highly effective for weight loss and cleansing the system.