12 Ways to Survive a Layoff

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Be it expected or unexpected, a layoff is never a pleasant experience. However, if you are proactive and have a plan in place to deal with a possible layoff, you will not be hit too badly. We give you some of the things that can help you survive a layoff.
1. Do not panic
It is extremely important to keep your calm when you are asked to leave the job. Keep your nerves and brace yourself. Getting frazzled will not do you any good. Take it in your stride and mentally prepare yourself for what’s to come.
2. Always have your resume ready
Whether you are working or not, make sure you always have your latest updated resume ready. Keep adding in all the new things and projects that you have taken up. Add to the list of your achievements as and when they come by. This will save you a lot of time in looking for a job after you are laid off.
3. Networking helps
Do not cut yourself off from your support system when you start working somewhere. Keep asking your well-placed friends if and when there are openings at their work place. This way, you will always be aware of possible options for you and you will not feel guilty to talk to them just when you need their help.
4. Get references and letters of recommendation
Having excellent letters from your ex-employers will go a long way in helping you find the next job. It will add immense weight to your resume.
5. File for unemployment benefits
It is important to go to your local unemployment office to get your paperwork in place so that you are able to collect your unemployment benefits without any delay.
6. Add to your skill set
When you are laid off, it can also be a good idea to use this opportunity to add to your set of skills. If you are financially secure, then take up some kind of training which may help you get your next job and make your resume even stronger.