13 Awesome Facts About Dark Chocolate

8. Real dark chocolate has a super effect. A real dark chocolate easily melts in your mouth. And, after five seconds, it explodes with flavor. Do try an original piece next time to relish the real flavor.

9. Dark chocolate is not only good for the heart, but it is also good for your brain. A piece of dark chocolate consumed on a daily basis can increase the brain performance and concentration level.

10. Dark chocolate, with more than sixty percent cocoa, is considered to be healthy for the body. It contains lots of antioxidants, which keeps your body fit and healthy.

11. Dark chocolate helps to prevent tooth decay. Since it is rich in pure cocoa, it prevents tooth decay. In fact, it also helps to fight harmful bacteria in the mouth. And, you thought that dark chocolate is bad for your teeth!

12. Dark chocolate helps to lower the high blood pressure level of the body. Natural dark chocolate has a compound known as cocoa phenol. This helps to maintain the normal blood pressure level.

13. Dark chocolate has the same effect as the feeling of love. Pure dark chocolate has a kind of chemical which the body converts into phenylethylamine. It gives the same feeling as falling in love. Do you need to fall in love to experience the magic of love? Nah! Just grab a dark chocolate and feel it for yourself.

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