23 Ways of Being Chivalrous Towards Women

Photo Courtesy: ☺ Lee J Haywood
Chivalry cannot be taught. It has to spring up from within. This particular personality trait has the magic to make or break relationships. But, if you are an earnest guy looking to tug at the heartstrings of your beloved, then you have come to the right place. Read on:
1. While crossing the road, make sure the girl is within the safe zone and offer your hand to help her cross roads.
2. Talk politely and softly.
3. Do not touch her without her permission.
4. Do not get explicitly territorial with the girl even if you are attracted to her.
5. Compliment her.
6. Offer to help her in times of crisis.
7. Live up to her expectations.
8. Fulfill promises.
9. Understand her.
10. Care for her.
11. Appreciate her on a regular basis.
12. Even if you have reached a very personal stage of bonding, keep your tactile expressions to the minimum especially if you are in public.