3 Reasons Why You may be Still Single

Photo Courtesy: catalin82
Finding the correct partner in life at the correct point of time can be very difficult and is a matter of luck and fate. Everyone has certain expectations and a particular image about their partner and it is not necessary that everyone finds their perfect partner at once or at the same time. It takes time and patience to find the correct partner and sometimes it may so happen that you wouldn’t have to wait or take any efforts and you just find your perfect one and stay in a committed relationship. Here are 3 main reasons suggesting as to why you may still be single.
1. Looking for specific qualities in your partner
There are people who compromise and adjust when it comes to finding a partner and eventually they gel and accept them as they are, but there are people who are very particular and they expect that their partner should definitely have certain qualities anyhow and they wouldn’t compromise on that part. This may sometimes reduce the options because all the people may not possess the qualities you want so this is a reason why you are still single.
2. No social life
You may be way too hard working and career oriented that you forget giving time to your friends and social circle and end up being isolated and disconnected with the world. This reduces all your contacts as you can’t hope to find a partner if there is no interaction, and you don’t even get a chance to meet new people. If you don’t come across new people, it isn’t possible to find a partner and this can be a reason why you are still single.
3. Introvert behavior
It is very important to always be in touch with the people you know and who are close to you within your comfort zone but that is not enough. One should always be welcoming and open towards meeting new people and getting to know them better. You may never know at what point of time in life you may come across your perfect partner. If you close your eyes to the world, you may not be able to spot anyone. Being an introvert is a reason why you may still be single.