4 Nice Ways to Ask for a Girl’s Number

Photo Courtesy: aikidoki©crestock.com
Are you attracted to her and want her number so that you can call/text her and know her better? Have you been talking to her for quite some time but now are confused how to ask for her number without coming across as a fool? Well here are the 5 best ways that will help you ask for her number and come across as a perfect gentleman.
1. Converse with her first
You can’t simply look at a girl and ask her number. You must strike a conversation with her, talk to her on some interesting topic, invoke in her the feeling that you’re a nice and appreciative gentleman, listen to her views and ask for her number while parting ways with her. Tell her it felt great to meet her and you would like to call her for a cup of coffee soon.
2. Don’t just speak, connect
If you’ve struck a conversation with her, make sure that it’s not just you who’s been talking. Get her to express herself, listen to her intently and make her feel that you appreciate her opinions and thoughts. You can’t simply ask for her number without connecting with her and making her have a great time too.