4 Reasons Why She Gets Mood Swing

Photo Courtesy: Greyerbaby
Mood swings in a woman may include irritation, anger and frustration. She may shout unnecessarily, complain of something very trivial and even weep at slightest provocation. A woman may get mood swings for several reasons, and it is best to leave a woman alone as well as be sympathetic during such times. Below we discuss some of the most common reasons as to why a woman may get mood swings.
1. Hormones
There are certain times in a woman’s life when her body undergoes phenomenal changes. Menstrual cycles, pregnancy and menopause are some of the most important reasons for a woman’s mood swings. During these times, a woman’s hormones are on the roll and her body undergoes physical changes and stress. Rising hormone levels, body ache and sudden emotional changes may trigger mood swings in a woman.
2. Emotional Turbulence
Women are generally emotional and sensitive creatures. They cry like a baby when hurt and sometimes can be very adamant about how they want certain things to happen. They are constantly worrying for their family’s welfare and children’s future. Small unimportant things may bother them such as spilled milk, dying flowers or dog’s poop in the front garden. All these emotions may sometimes bundle up inside, and a woman’s only way of showing it would be to get moody and sulk.