4 Reasons Why Time is Money

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How you spend your time largely determines who you are. Your personality and attitude towards life also depends upon what all you do throughout your day. Whether you work or do nothing or just party all day- everything adds up to the person that you are. But did you know that time is also money? If you spent your time the right way, you could really be rich! The saying is age old but still holds true. But why time could possibly equal money, and how? Listed here are 4 reasons why time is money.
1. Time can be spent productively
The time that you have can be spent in one of two ways only. Either you spend it productively, or you spend it unproductively. What is productive and what is not, of course, is subjective. But whatever it is that you do could either be profitable or beneficial in some way to you or not. Therefore, you can spend the time that is available with you to make money or let it go in vain. If what you do is productive, it will, in some way, generate some income for you.
2. Time does not wait for you
Another reason why time is so important is that it does not wait for anyone. Time flies at its own pace and if you miss it, it is gone, once and for all. Therefore, it goes without saying that if spent wisely, time will be beneficial in a number of ways and thus indeed, time is money.
3. Only time is available equally to everyone
The only resource that is equal for everyone is time. One could complain about everything else but time is constant and same for everyone. Time is not biased and everyone gets exactly the same amount. The number of minutes in an hour is same for a student and a businessman. So, spending your time in the right way is essential.
4. Time is limited
Though time is available for everyone, it does not stay endlessly. The very reason why time is so important is that it is limited. Sometimes even 24 hours a day seem to be less because you have and want so much to do that you cannot cram everything into your day’s schedule. Thus, you are able to do only certain things that will make money, and so time is money.