4 Signs She is a Gold Digger

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Are you wondering if your girlfriend is your soul mate or not? Do you wish to find out if she is the one you should be sharing your life with or not? Well, one thing you must watch out for is a gold digger kind of girl. If all she desires are materialistic benefits from your relationship, then, she is certainly not worthy of your time and effort. Read ahead to find out whether she is a gold digger or not.
1. Money Matters
If your girlfriend forever talks about your income, your financial obligations and assets, then it does mean trouble! She may always be asking you questions about how much your suit costs or what is your favorite holiday destination, or how much would you spend on a holiday etc. In short, if money is the only thing on her mind then it can’t be a good news!
2. Spendthrift
If she asks you for money, or expensive gifts even before you two are in an actual relationship, then steer away from her. She will desire to buy expensive things, and spend lots of money on her cosmetics. She may indulge in gambling and turn out to be an alcoholic. Spending money like water and having no sense of responsibility are some sure shot signs of a gold digger!
3. Priorities
A female whose only priority is money is definitely a gold digger. A money minded girl will only talk about shopping, spending and outings. Other things in life like intimate talks, social well-being and important relationships will take a backseat with such a person. Status, prestige and money are the only things that will bother her. So, you certainly are not important to this gold digger!
4. Observe
If all she wants is to go out and eat at expensive restaurants with you, then she is a gold digger. She may not give importance to your thoughts or wishes. She may always be in a world of her own. She makes you pay her bills, and doesn’t tell you what she has bought. She is genuinely not interested in getting to know you. All these things mean that your girl is a gold digger.