4 Ways to Overcome Shyness Around Girls

Photo Courtesy: duziem
If you go all dude like when talking about getting with girls and commenting on their hotness, but turn into a scared little mouse when it comes to actually having a conversation with one, you need to read this article. There is nothing sexier than confidence, and if you are shy around girls, here are the ways to overcome shyness.
1. Befriend your sister
What are sisters for if not for helping you out with girls? She is a girl, and you talk to/shout at her without a second thought. Ask her for help and sisterly advise. Maybe lure her by promising to buy her shoes.
2. Visualize
If you can see it, you can achieve it. If you are crushing on someone and would want to be all macho and uber cool in front of her, try to force the same image in your mind. Our body tends to fall in sync with our mind, and eventually you won’t be thinking about talking to her, instead, you would be actually talking to her!
3. Practice
Whatever handful of girl friends you have, practice on them! Imagine they are your average pretty girl, and talk to them about anything, try sustaining a conversation. Practice makes a man perfect!
4. Remember to smile
Teach yourself to smile, after you discover your good smile! Chicks dig a great smile, and when they will smile back, shyness would typically go away. Everyone