5 Biggest Myths about Women

Photo Courtesy: lusi
Women are thought to be complicated creatures having several layers to their character. Men find it hard to understand a woman’s expectations and disappointments. One thing to appreciate is that every woman is different, and has her own set of likes and dislikes. Here, we discuss some of the biggest myths about women.
1. Women Prefer Macho Men
This is not very true. Women like men who are sensitive and caring. A woman might like a man who would happily coach kids for baseball game. The man doesn’t have to sport six pack abs or have strong biceps. A kind heart and a leaning shoulder will do for most women.
2. Women Love Freedom
This is quite a common one; men believe that women hate being controlled. Well, a man must be able to understand when and how a woman wants to be treated. A woman depends upon a man to make her feel secured and safe. So, a man must not simply boss around; instead, he should take care of her, and watch her back.
3. Women Nag a Lot
In the sense, men think that women talk, talk and talk. To be frank, if a man listened to a woman’s talk the first time, she wouldn’t have to repeat it. A woman wants to be heard, she wants the man to listen to what she says. That is all. She needs a response, a yes or a no, or at least an indication that her talks are not falling on deaf ears. You make sure you acknowledge your girl’s talk, and you will be soon having healthy and enjoyable conversations.