5 Easy and Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Bachelors

Photo Courtesy: Public Domain
Fixing breakfasts everyday can be a task when all you know to make is omelet, cereal with milk, instant noodles, etc. Variety is the spice of life and your first meal of the day should be appealing enough to give you energy and peppiness throughout the day. To give you some variety in breakfast options that are quick and very easy to prepare, we have made this list.
1. Quick Breakfast Rice
Heat a cup of cooked brown rice along with one tablespoon of light butter and half cup of water or soy milk until it gets hot and the liquid has been boiled off. Then add a couple of tablespoons of demerara sugar and mix it in while keeping the gas on. After the sugar is properly mixed in, turn off the heat, serve and eat.
2. Flavored mashed potatoes
In a saucepan, heat 125 ml milk along with a bay leaf and a pinch of salt. Peel and cut chunks of 900 grams potatoes or less, as per your requirement. You can do this the night before so that your time is saved in the morning. Boil some water in a pan and when it starts bubbling, put in these potatoes. Decrease the heat and cook for 15–20 minutes until the potatoes are soft. Drain the water from the potatoes and put them back in the pan. Remove the bay leaf and pour the flavored milk over the potatoes. Mash them with a spoon, add olive oil or some seasoning for taste and enjoy.
3. 40 second microwave egg
Yes this is that fast to make. Firstly, crack an egg in a microwave-safe cup. You could leave it as it is, scramble or season it before tightly wrapping the cup in a microwave-safe plastic wrap. Then keep it in the microwave for 40 seconds. After its cooked you can easily slide out the egg onto a plate and have.