5 Lessons Men can Learn From Women

Photo Courtesy: Malingering
The women in your life have a lot to teach you. You may or may not have picked up some positive traits from your mother, aunt, and other elderly (and younger) female close ones and relatives, but you should know that the fairer sex really do have certain things which you should learn and imbibe. Listed here are 5 such lessons which men can learn from women for a mutually beneficial existence.
1. Focus on others
There is no doubt that focusing on self is necessary, because if you cannot make yourself happy, you cannot make others happy. But sometimes, in the pursuit of self satisfaction, thinking about others takes a backseat. If you are concerned about yourself, it is good, but if you are too concerned about yourself, so much that you do not see what another person feels and needs, then you are being self-centered. You do need to think about others sometimes, and see things from others’ perspectives. It not only makes you a more likable person, but helps you be a better human being and more happy as an individual.
2. Learn to say “no”
Sometimes, though it may sound rude or impolite, it is necessary to say “no.” You cannot give in to requests made by friends and neglect your close ones or a promise made. If you think that a certain task or appointment is hampering your personal life, you need to think twice before making a decision. Also, saying “no” is an important part of becoming the person who others take more seriously and not for granted.
3. Some things are not socially appropriate
Certain things are not appropriate socially, however ‘cool’ or ‘funny’ they may apparently seem. Laughing at the expense of others, cracking jokes on helpless people, having certain bad habits which make you a nuisance in public among other things need to be done away with because they become a part of your identity. Learn from women how being slightly composed in a public place adds a great deal to your personality.