5 Qualities of Charismatic People

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There is one thing that is common between President Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, Marilyn Monroe, Mahatma Gandhi, and Elizabeth Taylor. They are all charismatic people. You need not be the most beautiful person or be a big celebrity to have that charisma. We tell you some of the qualities that make people so charismatic, charming and captivating.
1. Humility
Humility is the mark of a truly charismatic person. If you are humble, then it is a sign that you have the ability to accept your own mistakes. Humility entails that you give each and every person the same amount of care and respect. Those who have a magnetic personality attract others towards them because they are able to appreciate the other person for all that he or she is.
2. Spontaneity
A charismatic person does not seem to put in any effort into being the way he is. He is spontaneous in his reactions and behavior and does not seem to put on an act. It is this natural ease of being that makes all others around him take notice.
3. Self-confidence
Being confident of yourself simply means that you know what you want and how you want it. It is also an indication of the fact that you are fully aware of your limitations and capabilities. Charismatic people exude confidence. When a person is self-confident, it shows in his body language and overall personality. Those who are charismatic, are always sure of themselves and are able to maintain that balance between self-confidence and over-confidence.