5 Reasons Why Playing Hard to Get could Backfire

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Dating blogs and forums are full of advice why you should play hard to get and how it can make you the most prized possession for your woman. But the reality today is entirely different. While you might be playing the most intelligent hard to get games, chances are that you will end up getting nothing of her. Here are top five reasons why playing hard to get could backfire on you.
1. It won’t be fun for long
It might seem fun initially but soon it’ll become tiring and exhausting for both you and her. You’ll run out of ways to keep her waiting and she’ll run out of patience. Also you’ll miss all the opportunities when you could spend some quality time with her and have some carefree fun.
2. She will get tired of playing
While women do like men who are not an easy prize, they don’t like to be played with for too long. If you’ve stretched the ‘playing hard to get’ thing for too long, she will surely lose her patience and cool and will no longer respond to your hints and games.
3. She won’t get to know you
Due to constant game playing you will never be able to bare yourself as a person to her. She won’t get to know what kind of a person you are and what are your likes and dislikes. This means that even when you will get together after all, she won’t be able to make you as happy as you were expecting.