5 Reasons You Should Stop Fearing Long Term Commitment

Photo Courtesy: tokyosucks
Commitment is important in a relationship and women are known to seek men who can stick with them in the long run. If you are in love with your girlfriend, there should really be no reason for you to shy away from committing to her. Here is why you should stop fearing long term commitment with your girlfriend.
1. Long term commitment does not directly mean marriage
Men generally tend to visualize wedding bells and marital hullaballoo as soon as their girlfriends mention long term commitment. Even popular Hollywood movies have reinforced this pattern of thinking. You may simply be assuming that long term commitment equates marriage for your girlfriend. The reality can be quite different and pleasantly surprising for you as she may only be seeking an assurance.
2. Long term commitment may not change anything
Many men are known to fear long term commitment because of the popular notion that once the word commitment is verbalized in a relationship, everything somehow changes. This may include loss of freedom, decrease in spontaneity and an increased expectation from the couple to behave in a mature way. This may be a myth in your mind. Even if you commit to your girlfriend, you can continue your relationship just the way you did before.
3. Long term commitment may give your woman solace and comfort
When your girlfriend seeks long term commitment from you, she may simply be looking for a sense of security and comfort in knowing that you are there to stay. She may not want you to necessarily sign on a dotted line and bind you with her legally. Sensing where her need for long term commitment comes from, will help you deal with the situation much better and it will seem less scary.