5 Signs You’re a Sex Addict

Photo Courtesy: Forgiss ©crestock.com
Drug, alcohol and nicotine addiction are extremely common. People know about them and their side-effects and also how to treat them. But when it comes to sexual addiction, to some, it is merely a funny term, to others, it is just gross. Reality of the matter being that sexual addiction is actually a pretty serious matter that can hamper your life in several ways. If you are a sex addict, you will have trouble carrying forward a stable relationship, your career graph may go down because you’re unable to concentrate on your work, and several other ill effects. Hence, just like any other addiction, the first step to treat your sexual addiction is to identify if you are a sex addict. Here are 5 signs which will tell you if you are a sex addict.
1. Hiding your true self
If you are into the habit of watching a lot of pornography or you visit the strip club too often and hide it from your partner, this definitely is a signal that you could be a sex addict. Worst case, you could actually be sleeping with another girl and cheating on your partner.
2. Obsessing yourself with sexual ideas
If you are a sex addict, you probably spend a lot of time in digging out sexual materials such as pornographic videos and movies, or maybe just being lost in sexual thoughts. This would definitely effect your relationship, job, and other sense of responsibilities.
3. Legally convicted
Most people who suffer from sexual addiction have trouble with the law for things like indecent exposure, sexual offense, etc. This is mainly because they do not have much control over their sexual emotions and end up putting themselves in compromising situations.