5 Things You Didn’t Know About Girls

Photo Courtesy: Rubén Chase
Do you find girls as those mysterious creatures from Venus whom you can never understand? Do they always say one thing and mean the other? Are you confused and puzzled while dealing with them? Here’s some help for you– 5 things that you didn’t know about girls:
1. ‘Nothing’ never means nothing
If you find her fretting and fuming or unusually quiet and you casually ask, ‘Hey honey, what is it?’ and she replies ‘Nothing’, then don’t be naive and assume that it’s ‘nothing’. Before you know it, a storm will throw you off your feet. When she says ‘nothing’, it almost never means nothing. It simply means it is the quiet before the storm. So get prepared!
2. Girls can’t tolerate you praising other girls, especially her friends
You might think that she ‘loves’ her best friend when she goes gaga over her, so in your innocence you might also chip in and start praising her best friend. Behold! Before you know what hit you, the damage has been done. Get it straight, women just can’t tolerate when you praise any other girl. Make her feel she is the best, at all times!
3. When she says ‘I love you’, she expects you to say it back
If she utters ‘I love you’ and all you do is smile back at her or say ‘hmmm’, then you might be looking at trouble. Girls view it quite negatively when you do not reciprocate. So when she says ‘I love you’, then more than an expression of her love, it’s a demand from you to express your love.