5 Tips to Live a Fulfilling Life

Photo Courtesy: GooDween123 ©crestock.com
“To get something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. “ – Anonymous
Everything is with you, within your reach and the only thing you have to do is to make choices and move forward. Life can be boring and monotonous if there is no excitement, vibrancy or goal. You tend to do the same thing every day and curse yourself for having it that way. You tend to compare your life with others and end up disappointed for yourself. You seldom realize that the power to change your fortune lies within yourself. You just have to understand and follow certain basic and simple rules that can make your life beautiful and gratifying. Check out 5 tips to live a fulfilling life.
1. Lead a simple life
We think a lot, plan a lot, compare a lot and yes, analyze a lot and finally complicate our life by doing many things. Some end up successfully, but most others fail terribly. The important thing we need to understand here is to avoid chaos in life and lead a simple life. We think we need to be more complicated for a fruitful life, but it’s the other way round. Keep things simple and move ahead, take chances and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
2. Learn to live with what you have
One of the most important tips to lead a fulfilling life is to learn to live with whatever you have. Most of the times, this feeling pops out, “If I had some good money, I could have…” or “If I had one more chance, I would have…”. Understand that with whatever you have, you can be happy or find way to achieve happiness, rather than wanting more. Aiming for a goal is good, but when that becomes an obsession, we feel dejected and end up ruining our own happiness. So, live for the moment, be thankful for what you have and be happy.
3. Have fun, laugh loud
Are you a very serious guy? Come on, who is bothered? Well, it is okay to be crazy at times. Laugh as if no one is seeing you, talk to yourself, have fun with friends and family, throw some creamy tarts at each other- in short make your life exciting every moment. Stay happy and spread that happiness to others. This way you make your life more easy and simple.