5 Unfair Things to Expect from Your Girlfriend

Photo Courtesy: pressmaster ©crestock.com
Very often, we start taking our relationships for granted. More than that, we start taking people involved in those relationships for granted, and think that they will adjust every time as per each of our wishes. This especially happens during the young dating phase, when couples are battling career issues, financial issues, pressure of fixing a marriage date, amongst other problems of life.
What we often don’t realize is that just like we expect our partner to be understanding and accommodating all the time, they too would want us to do the same. Not realizing this, we often put forward some unrealistic demands, and hope that our partner would actually deliver the same. As a conscious and responsible boyfriend, you must understand where to draw the line. Here are some things that you should never expect from your girlfriend, as it is totally unfair to do so.
1. She’ll change her career path
No, she won’t. And why should she? You very well knew what profession she belongs to when you started developing interest in her. You knew her work timings, as well as her ambitions and desired career goals. Suddenly, why should she drop all of that for you? Just because you’ve had a sudden realization that your timings will create incompatibility issues, or that her being more successful than you will cause ego problems? You should have thought about this in the beginning, not when you are way ahead in the relationship. Never expect her to follow your trail.
2. She’ll quit her job
This is even worse than asking her to change her career path. A man who expects his girlfriend to quit her job, only after which he will consider her to be worthy of engagement or marriage is the worst man ever. Sounds harsh? Well, that’s the truth! How on earth can you think you have control over someone else’s choice of job, something that they truly enjoy, and have probably been waiting to do since years?
3. Common things can wait
So from your next month’s salary, you can either afford a good sofa for the house, or a gaming console for yourself. And you think it’ll be okay if you convince your girlfriend to let you buy the latter? That’s totally unfair. She has been working all the time to make the house a ‘home’, and convert it into a decent living space for the both of you, but all you care about is your gaming console. Instead, look at her demands and wishes first, because she has been instrumental in making your life the way it is today – much better than the way it was earlier.