5 Ways to Control Your Appetite

Photo Courtesy: matchstick
Regular exercises and proper diet are key factors for having a fit body. To achieve a healthy body as well as mind its very important to have a control on your appetite and keep those urges in check. For those of you dudes who find it difficult to do so, you can go through these 5 tips.
1. Think about the consequences
This is the most effective way to control your appetite. When you think about how badly that sugary or oily food item will affect your body, you will immediately feel the need to turn your back to it.
2. Keep an image in mind at all times
You cant possibly carry a picture of your favorite actor, model or sports star, whose body you adore, with you at all times. So keep a mental image of that body you aim to achieve or at least get close to achieving and it will motivate you to control yourself and not go berserk over tasty junk.
3. Snack every 2-3 hours
To keep your hunger in check, you can have a light healthy snack of say peanuts, fruits or sprouts, every couple of hours. This will prevent overeating and keep up the metabolism rate. In this way the appetite is controlled too.