6 Awesome Ways to Control Sweating

Photo Courtesy: Deklofenak ©crestock.com
Do you sweat like a pig and find the situation extremely uncomfortable? Shaking hands with people, even standing near someone makes you conscious, especially if you have sweat odor. Blame it on overactive sweat glands and body heat! Sweating profusely sometimes needs medical attention, and sometimes it is just a natural body condition. The body’s way of regulating temperature, sweating is actually good for the skin, but when it becomes uncontrollable, it becomes a trouble. There are many antiperspirants that claim to control sweating, but it is best to control it naturally. Check out 6 awesome ways to control sweating.
1. Practice yoga and meditation
Yoga is a great way to control sweating. Meditation can calm down the nerves and this reduces sweat production. So practice yoga regularly to relax your mind and body and thereby bring down the excessive sweating condition.
2. Say no to sugary and spicy food
Too much of sugary or spicy food increases the frequency of sweat production. Chemically processed food also serve to increase the amount of sweat. So, if you generally sweat too much, it is better to keep your food bland.
3. Choose breathable clothing
Tight-fitting clothes encourages more sweating, as there is no space for air to circulate. So, switch to cotton and wool according to seasons to allow your sweat to evaporate. Light fabrics make you comfortable and keep you fresh for long.