6 Benefits of Working Out With a Friend

Photo Courtesy: Ed Yourdon
Your newly acquired and thought of fitness regimen, the new gym membership, finalization of the park where you will jog, your new workout clothes and freshly charted out diet need one more addition, a friend. Yes, a friend who will stick by you through your path to fitness as he or she also has the same goal, is a valuable asset and will make the journey to good health worthwhile. Here are some reasons you ought to have an exercise buddy.
1. Motivation
An exercise partner is a great motivator. He will encourage you to complete your set or class when you feel like quitting, or run an extra mile on the treadmill. Quitting won’t be an option with a motivating buddy. When you see him achieving better results than you, the zest to outdo him will kick in, banishing the laziness.
2. Interest
Gyms can get pretty boring and monotonous after sometime and exercising alone will make you go lax on your workout regime. Having a friend by your side who will talk, crack jokes with you, check out hot girls and discuss about fitness with you, will tremendously up your interest in exercising.
3. Ensure regularity
The best thing about having a workout pal is that he will call you and make you lift your butt and get ready for exercise. You both should make sure that you never bail out on each other and thus neither will be able to miss a workout session. Regularity is of utmost importance while aiming to become fit. You won’t quit midway, like many do, because you know you have a friend beside you.