6 Body Language Mistakes You must Absolutely Avoid in Front of Women

Photo Courtesy: AAD
Body language matters a lot when you are with a woman and are having a conversation with her. Your posture, your body movements, eye contact, everything counts and creates an impression about you. Making mistakes with your body language would give out wrong signals. Here are 6 body language mistakes you must absolutely avoid in front of women.
1. Focus on her face not elsewhere
There are some men who tend to talk to women’s breasts than making eye contact with them. You should never do that. It only shows desperation and makes you look like a complete sleaze ball.
2. Smacking on the butt is a bad habit
There are a lot of men who think it’s appropriate to give a friendly smack to women on their butt. It’s an extremely inappropriate gesture, especially if you do it to a female colleague or a friend. She will certainly not take it well.
3. Scratching the sides of your groin
A lot of men tend to have a very disgusting habit of adjusting their underwear, scratching their sides while talking to a woman. It draws attention in a pathetic way. It shows you have no sense of difference between public and private.