6 Dressing Tips that Guys should Use to Look Macho

Photo Courtesy: magann ©crestock.com
Did you know that you can look more macho than what you actually are, by taking care of some of the classic elements of a macho look? Here are some fashion tips that will help you bring out your inner masculinity.
1. Make denims an integral part of your wardrobe
You must have at least a couple of pairs of jeans if you want to pull off a macho look with almost any t-shirt or shirt. Denims give off a rugged look and add manliness to a guy’s personality. And don’t be under the impression that you can’t wear jeans to a formal social gathering. Unless suits are mandatory, you can easily pull off a nearly formal look with freshly washed pair of jeans, buttoned up shirt, formal shoes, belt and a crisp blazer.
2. Leather jackets are a must
Leather jackets are typically associated with bikers and their image is that of a mean and rough personality. You don’t need to go to such an extreme but a leather jacket will definitely bring out the macho side of your personality. You can team a leather jacket with jeans and t-shirt or even a jeans and shirt look. Buy a leather jacket with is not too tight nor too loose.
3. Don’t wear girly or pastel colors
There is no rule that guys can’t wear pastel shades but unless you have an extremely macho physique and personality, you should avoid pastel colors. Light yellow, pink and lighter shades of purple are some of the colors you should avoid in t-shirts and shirts. Stick to bold and darker shades like gray, blue or maroon. And if you can’t seem to make up your mind, a white shirt is always a foolproof option.