6 Easy Ways to Control Your Temper

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Do you get irritated over minor issues? Do you find yourself fuming when you are amidst loud noises? Unable to control yourself when your child gives you a hard time? You have anger problem. Though anger is a healthy emotion, it is important to handle it in a positive way. Or else, it can ruin your health and relationships. So, are you ready to harness your anger? Check out 6 easy ways to control your temper.
1. Count numbers
Though counting numbers when you have lost your temper may seem a bit childish, it is one of the easiest ways to cool down. Simply close your eyes and then count from 1 to 10 in ascending and then in descending order. This method works like a miracle.
2. Write it down
One of the best ways to calm your wrath is by writing it down. Sometimes when you are out of your mind, your tongue loses its control and you may end up saying something you will later regret. Writing things down is one solution for this problem. After writing things on a paper, tear it off. You will feel much relaxed.
3. Engage in physical activity
Another great outlet for your emotions is physical activity. If you feel you will burst out in anger, go for a small walk or engage in some of your favorite workout. This will trigger brain chemicals that can help you relax. Learn about some relaxation techniques that can help you control your temper.