6 Facts You Should Know about Tattoos

Photo Courtesy: Greyerbaby
Is it painful to get a tattoo? Can you get an infection from a tattoo? Is it possible to remove a tattoo? Here are some of the most important facts about tattoos which will help you answer your queries.
1. Tattoo ink is injected into your skin
Some people believe that tattoo artists merely draw their artwork on the skin. However that is not the case. Tattoo ink is actually injected into the skin with a moving needle in the tattoo machine. Depending on the type of tattoo machine, the needle is known to puncture the skin up to 3,000 times per minute to inject drops of ink in the skin.
2. Tattooing is painful
If you thought that you won’t feel any pain while getting a tattoo, you are mistaken. People who get tattoos experience pain which is considered to be similar to that of many bees stinging at once. You should have a moderate level of tolerating pain if you want to get a tattoo.
3. Tattoos are permanent
Tattoos are permanent etchings which are not removable unless a person undergoes tattoo removal treatments which are fairly expensive. You should remember this fact about tattoos and never hurry to get one because it is irreversible. If this sounds boring to you right now, think about how you will feel about having the design on your body twenty or thirty years down the line. Think about the placement too because getting a tattoo in a visible area can interfere with your personal image and career.