6 Foods That are High in Protein

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Consuming a balanced diet is essential for all human beings. You ought to get your daily dose of vitamins, proteins, fats, calcium, etc., especially if you are into bodybuilding or simply want to have some muscles. Here’s a list of the most high protein foods that will help you out with your daily quota.
1. Eggs
The reason for eggs being a favorite among people worldwide as far as breakfast options are concerned is, its richness in the protein department. Every egg has eight amino acids, which is a good deal if you are keen on muscle building. Contrary to popular belief, eggs are not fattening at all if one has about 2 yolks per day. A breakfast of six egg whites and two yolks consists 27 grams of protein and 153 calories, which is a fair deal.
2. Fishes
Not only do fishes like tuna, anchovies, salmon, etc., contain high amounts of proteins, even their eggs, popularly known as caviar, are packed with the nutrients.
3. Lean meats
Lean meats such as turkey breast, chicken broilers, pork loin and lamb chops are rich in proteins. Most of them contain about 30 grams of protein in a 100 grams serving. Even tinned and canned ones are good enough, and have quite a good amount of proteins.