6 Good Tips to Become the Life of a Party

Photo Courtesy: beeki
A lot of times you fear when you enter a party, you might go unnoticed. All women might be looking at other guys and you might be the one who stays in the shadows. Here are 6 great tips to help you become the life of a party.
1. Position yourself in the center of the room
Try to have many people around you. When you are in the center of the room, you will attract attention from friends and even the ladies. A lot of people might come in your direction if they find a lot of activity and cheer.
2. Wear something dashing
Make sure you wear your best cologne and come dressed in your best outfit; something that suits the place and the occasion. You will not only be the heart of the party but also turn heads along the way.
3. Smile, laugh a lot and go around meeting people
To be the life of the party, you need to get noticed. The only way you can achieve this is by making sure that people are aware of your presence. Go up to them, smile, inquire about their well being share a joke or too. Don’t form a little circle, meet and speak to as many as you can.