6 Health Benefits of Sushi

Photo Courtesy: Givaga ©crestock.com
Sushi is a dish that originated in Japan, and is now famous all over the world. There are various kinds of Sushi, and the ingredients in each variety are different, thereby giving different nutritional benefits to your body with each of the types. Here are some of the health benefits of Sushi.
1. Low on calories
Sushi is a dish that is really light on the stomach, because it is low on calories. Needless to say, there is no risk of cholesterol building up with this dish. For the vegetarians, Sushi with vegetables stuffed in it is the best all-time snack or appetizer. Even for those who like meat, Sushi with steamed fish or other kinds of seafood is great. In their plain form, meats are really good for the body.
2. Good source of protein
If Sushi is stuffed with fish or meat, then the body gets good amount of protein. Most foodies customize this dish by adding a deep fried version of the meats, which can slightly increase the calories, but the dish still manages to be healthy more or less.
3. Gives vitamins and minerals
Tuna, salmon, mackerel, and herring are popular fishes used as stuffing for Sushi, which have great amount of vitamins and minerals to offer to the body. Mackerel has a lot of Vitamin E. Nori, a kind of seaweed is rich in Iron and Folic acid, along with Iodine and Calcium.