6 Morning Rituals to Do

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It’s yet another morning boy and look at you, still snuggling under the blanket! Most men dread waking up early morning. With the alarm hooting its final warning bell, suddenly everything turns a fast forward movie – brushing, shaving, bathing, dressing, breakfast and oh! Finally pulling yourself together to the workplace. Isn’t it a lousy practice? Well, undoubtedly it is. Following some organized daily rituals is very important for the overall health and well-being of a person. So, chuck out your sluggishness and welcome a healthy routine. Check out 6 morning rituals to do in your daily life if you want a happy, stress-free and energetic life.
1. Drink a glass of warm water
Kick start your mental and physical actions for the day by drinking a glass of warm water. Sounds funny? But there is no other option than to agree with it! A glass of water on an empty stomach can protect you from many health conditions like headache and constipation. So, even if you are bugged of frequent meetings and pending works, the morning glass of water can be a savior!
2. Exercise regularly
If it is a mammoth task to get up in the morning, speaking of exercise may drive you crazy. An early morning walk, jog or a session in the gym just helps your body breathe and you can see the results. A great feeling of freshness, energy and confidence sinks in, if you practice daily workouts.
3. Have a morning shower
With the hangover of last night still felt on your face, you might look like a total mess early morning. Some men prefer bathing in the evening. Take a shower, trim or shave your facial hair early morning and get out of the bathroom, looking fresh. If you have not tried it before, this is the time. A morning shower makes you ready for a fresh start. So, remember to include shower and shave in your morning ritual list.