6 Must know Facts about Male Menopause

Photo Courtesy: SSPIVAK
Many men are unaware that a term like male menopause even exists for men just like it does for women. Male menopause is slightly different from female menopause in terms of symptoms and treatments. If you are heading towards middle age, you must know a few things about this condition. Here are a few facts about male menopause.
1. Many names of male menopause
Andropause and Viropause are the medical terms given to male menopause. It is also popularly called Man-opause to suggest that men experience the same effects of hormone reduction after a certain age as menopausal women. It is important to note that none of these terms are officially recognized by the medical fraternity or by the World Health Organization. As a concept, male menopause is known to be accepted more in Australia and Europe as compared to other countries of the world.
2. Reduction in hormones
Male menopause is known to occur in men in the age brackets of 40 to 70 due to reduction of the testosterone hormone. There is a reason why it cannot be directly compared to the reduction of estrogen during female menopause. In women, menopause refers to the end of their reproductive life. Where as in men, the fall in hormones is gradual and the effects are not too dramatic.
3. Impact of male menopause
The reduction in levels of testosterone in men is known to reduce potency and their zest for life. Other symptoms include obesity, fatigue, mood swings, depression, insomnia and lack of concentration. Popularly, male menopause is a said to have arrived in men when they report a decrease in the desire for physical intimacy.