6 Qualities to be a Perfect Gentleman

Photo Courtesy: Banjo Brown
Being a perfect gentleman is not easy. And figuring out whether you are a perfect gentleman is even tougher. Because there is no universal definition for a ‘perfect gentleman’. However, there are some basic attributes that are must-have in a gentleman. And, here we discuss some of them for you to figure out whether you fall into that league or not.
1. Courtesy
The foremost thing that makes you a perfect gentleman is carrying out basic deeds that are expected from a gentleman. Letting a female go through a door before you, pulling out her chair and opening the car door for her after you arrive for a date are some of them. Being courteous is definitely on the top of the list.
2. Talks
Being a gentleman is all about speaking the right things! No obnoxious comments or vulgar jokes. A perfect gentleman will keep away from derogatory comments on and about women. He will give her compliments, but not talk about her physique. The conversations will be subtle and generic.
3. Respect
A perfect gentleman will respect a woman’s views and take into consideration her wishes as well. Be it a night out or a movie date, he will ask what her preferences are. A perfect gentleman never ignores or neglects a woman. He truly respects women from the bottom of his heart.