6 Reasons It is Wrong to Judge Someone Solely on Their Looks

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The idiom ‘Appearances can be deceiving’ is not just bookish knowledge. For most men, this can hold true. Whether it is in your relationship, personal or business affair, you need to judge a person based on what he or she is, and not what they look like. Here are 6 reasons why it is wrong to judge someone solely on their looks.
1. You could be deceived by surface features
Sometimes while traveling, or when you meet a stranger at a dinner party, you tend to judge them by their looks. If they are sophisticated, dress appropriately and treat everyone in a civil manner, you assume that they are of faultless character. But that may not be real. Don’t form opinions solely based on these factors.
2. Physical appearances are temporal
Attraction towards women and finding a partner is most of the time governed by the physical appeal. You even rush into things because of such reasons, before you realize it is too late. Who knows, the beautiful lady you fall in love with might lose it due to an accident or she might age early. Hence, it’s better to know the person, interact, build a foundation and then move forward.
3. You need to value the other person’s inner qualities
When you really want to get acquainted with someone, it is better to know their inner qualities. Permanent friendships and relationships should be established on character rather than superficial and lowly grounds. Looks can wither way with time.